日程英文 日程英文schedule

2024-04-17 我爱学习 32阅读 回答者:admin



日程很紧 英文

日程很紧翻译为英文是:The schedule is very tight .


1、日程安排得很紧脱争紧衡决。The programm件印候及毛激立换e is packed.

2、我们俩日程安排得都很紧。We both have such hectic schedules.

3、虽然女断围端顺六日程很紧,但他说永远家苦木太停鲜独器劳增站庭至上。Despite his busy schedule he say胶号坚果苗s family comes first.

4、您的日程很紧,我就不来自多占用您的时间了。As you have a tight schedule,I will not take up more of your time.

5、日程认广球贵二又的确很紧。It's certainly a tight schedule.

6、我今天的日程排得很紧。I've got a 360问答pretty tight schedule today.

7、我们希望在下周准便略没志她滑毫做完这工作,但日程安排满端质配法溶亮弱而管理很紧。We hope to finish the work next week,but the schedule-s ver之处兰厂却之专操值y tight.

8、月底之前见你很难,因为我的日程安排得很紧。Meeting you before the end of the mon实块合底击th will be difficult,because I have very cramped schedule until then.

9、但是如果便参混错行玉气杂他们真的觉得她的日程露席跟米排得很紧,又凭什么认为她有时间来读这么多废话呢?But if they thought her schedule was busy,why did they thi调呢双希加击定务调劳查nk she would have time to read so much guff?

10、虽然日程排得很紧,但既然来了,我想应该抽出点时间来看看你这个老由朋友。We've a very tight schedule,but as I happen to be here,I thought I might take a couple of 力获学hours off to see an old friend.

全天学生日程安排 英语

the schedule in a whole day of the students希望能帮助到您~~

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